Notion Hotkeys
Hotkeys can save you time and make your workflow smoother. Here are some common Notion hotkeys for both Windows and macOS:
- Basic Text Editing:
- Ctrl/Cmd + B: Bold text.
- Ctrl/Cmd + I: Italicize text.
- Ctrl/Cmd + U: Underline text.
- Ctrl/Cmd + K: Insert a hyperlink.
- Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + 7: Create a numbered list.
- Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + 8: Create a bulleted list.
- Navigation:
- Ctrl/Cmd + 1: Go to the Home page.
- Ctrl/Cmd + 2: Go to the Search page.
- Ctrl/Cmd + [: Navigate backward in your history.
- Ctrl/Cmd + ]: Navigate forward in your history.
- Page Manipulation:
- Ctrl/Cmd + N: Create a new page.
- Ctrl/Cmd + T: Create a new page block.
- Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + T: Create a new inline page.
- Page Structure:
- Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + L: Turn a block into a toggle list.
- Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + C: Turn a block into a code block.
- Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Q: Turn a block into a quote block.
- Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + H: Turn a block into a header.
- Page Navigation:
- Ctrl/Cmd + Up Arrow: Move block up.
- Ctrl/Cmd + Down Arrow: Move block down.
- Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + Up Arrow: Move block left (outdent).
- Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + Down Arrow: Move block right (indent).
- Page Properties:
- Ctrl/Cmd + Enter: Save and close a page property.
- Search:
- Ctrl/Cmd + P: Open the Quick Find dialog for searching.
- Database Views:
- Ctrl/Cmd + 1: Switch to Table view.
- Ctrl/Cmd + 2: Switch to Board view.
- Ctrl/Cmd + 3: Switch to List view.
- Ctrl/Cmd + 4: Switch to Calendar view.